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During these uncertain times, the 36th TEDDY AWARD invites you to enjoy a sheer rainbow of queer community, pleasure and visibility. We’re inviting you to celebrate the best queer movies of the 72nd Berlinale at the 36th TEDDY AWARD ceremony, taking place at the VOLKSBÜHNE BERLIN on February 18, 2022.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the TEDDY AWARDS – one of the most prestigious awards of the Berlin International Film Festival – once again will not happen as the glamorous event you’ve gotten used to. There will not be 1500 guests from media, politics and society. The safety of our guests, film crews and employees has top priority, which is why this year we can only allow participants and contributors access to the award ceremony at the Volksbühne.

But you can be there live, our livestream from the Volksbühne will be activated on 18.02.22 starting at 9pm.

The TEDDY AWARD will also accompany the 72nd Berlinale on the TEDDY AWARD platforms with talks, discussions, panels and interviews on current queer films and the most burning issues and developments in the queer media industry. The TEDDY AWARD film market events Queer Industry Reception and Speedy Film Pitches will take place online in the form of interacting and networking queer media professionals. The TEDDY AWARD online platforms will be accessible to anyone who’s interested and will once again enable an international discourse.

Call for entries

Here you can register your film for the 72nd Berlinale. Invited films with queer content will then enter the race for the TEDDY. Please note the submission deadlines and the regulations.

Feature-lenght films: Nov. 03, 2021
Short Films: Nov. 17, 2021
Series: Nov 24, 2021

In order to submit a film to the Berlinale, you must send the film and the completed film entry form to the festival within the submission deadline. In any case, please read the general submission conditions and the further instructions for film submission.

In conversation with Jenni Olson

For those who want to learn more about our great Special TEDDY award winner JENNI OLSON we have recorded a conversation between her and SHARI FRILOT, Senior programmer at Sundance Film Festival, which is now available on our Vimeo Channel.

SHARI FRILOT in Conversation with JENNI OLSON 

JENNI OLSON, film curator, archivist, filmmaker, writer and LGBT film historian was awarded the Special TEDDY AWARD 2021 at the 71st Berlinale for her decades of bridge-building work with which she has made queer film history visible and tangible. Jenni Olson’s enthusiasm for the medium of film manifests itself in innumerable ways. She always finds the right instrument with which to put her curiosity and fascination into practice. She fights for the preservation and distribution of cinematic legacies and orphaned film copies, promotes emerging talents and has created her own cinematic oeuvre. She draws on a queer film network she herself has strengthened and expanded over the decades with her collaborations and influence. Jenni Olson embodies, lives and creates queer film culture.

senior programmer at Sundance Film Festival, joined the programming team in 1998 and currently focuses on American and World Cinema dramatic features, as well as films that experiment and push the boundaries of conventional storytelling. She is also the curator and driving creative force behind New Frontier at Sundance, a program highlighting work that expands cinema culture through the convergence of film, art and new media technology. As Co-Director of Programming for Outfest from 1998-2001, she founded the Platinum section, which introduced cinematic installation and performance to the festival. From 1993-1996, Frilot served as Festival Director of MIX: The New York Experimental Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. During that time, she also co-founded the first gay Latin American film festivals, MIX BRASIL and MIX MÉXICO. Shari is a filmmaker and recipient of multiple grants from institutions including the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Media Arts Foundation. She is a graduate of Harvard/Radcliffe & the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program.