Category Archives: Blog

Day 9: Ceremony & Party

Dear friends, today it’s the day of the spectacular TEDDY Ceremony and Party which will take place at the STATION-Berlin at Gleisdreieck. The queer movies of the Berlinale will be awarded with a TEDDY AWARD in the categories: “Special TEDDY”, “Best Short”, “Best Feature Film” and “Best Documentary”. We will also have Continue reading Day 9: Ceremony & Party

Queer Academy Conference Panel 1: Queer Archives

Today, the Queer Academy Conference with more than 300 participants from all parts of the world takes place in the STATION-Berlin. The first panel of the day will be about Queer Archives. Here you find the question that we asked the participants before hand as well as an introduction to our panelists. For further informations you can have a look into the Queer Academy program booklet here. Continue reading Queer Academy Conference Panel 1: Queer Archives

Queer Academy Conference Panel 2: Queer Film Festivals in Practice

Today, the Queer Academy Conference with more than 300 participants from all parts of the world takes place in the STATION-Berlin. The second panel of the day will be about “Queer Film Festivals in Practice”. Here you find the question that we asked the participants before hand as well as an introduction to our panelists. Continue reading Queer Academy Conference Panel 2: Queer Film Festivals in Practice

Day 7: China, Baby

Berlinale has been running for one week now and I have the feeling it just started two days ago. Time is running super fast and we reached the seventh day of the Festival. And we really need a motto…how about…CHINA!

China’s law does not criminalize homosexuality but of course it’s not the favourite country you want to live in when you are a queer person. “Chinese censors consistently hone in on LGBT content in media and film” writes Xiaogang Wei, who is part of the TEDDY Jury, in a statement. So we are especially happy about having two chinese films with queer content at the Berlinale this year!

We’ve got a documentary named “Inside the Chinese Closet” which is following two gay people in their everyday life in China. Continue reading Day 7: China, Baby