Tag Archives: Teddy Readers Award


For all of you who couldn’t attend the award ceremony, whose livestreams were lagging, or who just want to rewatch their favourite moments: Here’s the complete TEDDY award show on YouTube!

And here are some individual time stamps:


This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The jury has chosen this year’s TEDDY Award winners! We’re so excited to announce the freshly selected award winning films:


– Shirley, dir. Josephine Decker
– Futur Drei, dir. Faraz Shariat
– The Twentieth Century, dir. Matthew Rankin

Futur Drei, dir. Faraz Shariat
You can read more about the movie on the TEDDY blog and below you can watch our interview with Fariaz Shariat:


– Petite fille, dir. Sébastien Lifshitz
– Si c’était de l’amour, dir. Patric Chiha
– La casa dell’amore, dir. Luca Ferri

Si c’était de l’amour, dir. Patric Chiha

You can read more about the movie on the TEDDY blog and below you can watch our interview with Patric Chiha:

Best SHORT Film

– Extractions, dir. Thirza Cuthand
– Untitled Sequence of Gaps, dir. Vika Kirchenbauer
– Genius Loci, dir. Adrien Merigeau
– Playback. Ensayo de una despedida, dir. Agustina Comedi

Playback. Ensayo de una despedida, dir. Agustina Comedi

You can read more about the movie on the TEDDY blog and below you can watch our interview with Agustina Comedi:

Jury Award

Rizi, von Tsai Ming-Liang

You can read more about the movie on our blog and watch the trailer here:

Readers’ Award

Futur Drei, dir. Faraz Shariat



Welcome to Chechnya, dir. David France

You can read more about the movie on the TEDDY blog and below you can watch our interview with David France:

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! Thank you for making movies! :)

The queer.de Readers Jury 2020

As in the previous year queer.de is again media partner of the TEDDY AWARD and awards the prize of the queer readers. In the selection of the jury for the TEDDY Readers’ Award 2020 we attached particular importance to the fact that it is as diverse as our community. The five-member team consists of (top from left) Robert Moussa, Amanda Halbrock, Detlef Stoffel, (bottom from left) Joyce Newrzella and Fabian Schäfer.

It is Robert Moussa‘s first time as a jury member. The Berlin-based filmmaker is the founder and director of Soura Film Fest, the first queer film festival for the Middle East and North Africa. “My great passion for queer cinema can be a good addition to the jury,” the 33-year-old wrote in his application. “I look forward to meeting like-minded people from the film industry and establishing contacts that could also be useful for the Soura Film Fest”.

Continue reading The queer.de Readers Jury 2020

The queer.de Readers Jury

For the first time the online magazine queer.de is going to be the media partner of the TEDDY AWARD. The diverse jury of five people representing our community decides which one of the nominated films  will receive the TEDDY Readers’ Award 2019. The jury members are Amanda Halbrock, Oliver Maus, Katayun Pirdawari, Gerlinde Kenkel and Fabian Schäfer. At 21,  Amanda Halbrock from Berlin is the youngest member of the jury. The non-binary queer person, who has recently been on the road as a Dragking, is looking forward to the task and wishes to see the diversity of the community reflected on the screen. Oliver Maus will be visiting us from Vienna. The 25-year-old media science student wants to add an analytic insight of the queer cinema to the jury. Katayun Pirdawari has been on several juries for the TEDDY Readers’ Award in recent years. For the 56-year-old lesbian from Berlin, the Berlinale is a festival of cultures and a trip around the world. Gerlinde Kenkel, also from the German capital. The 63-year-old lesbian trans woman is especially looking forward to the exchange with other film fans without bending herself. She hopes for films with surprising content. Fabian Schäfer is a freelance journalist and has been studying in Sofia since the winter semester. The 24-year-old prefers to focus on everything that goes beyond the heteronormative framework and wants to present queer people authentically and in all their diversity in the media.