Category Archives: Blog

Programmme Guide 2015 Online!


The programme guide of the 2015 TEDDY AWARD is now avaialble for download. You will find all important informations about your favorite teddy bear here.  Furthermore, you will find detailed background informations and we will tell you the highlights of the 2015 TEDDY cermony on 13th of february 2015.

You will find the download of the 2015 TEDDY programme guide here


Uganda’s first LGBTI magazine

Activists published a new magazine as a campaign for more tolerance and enlightenment in Uganda. This is not an easy undertaking in a land, in which hate and prejudices are widely distributed.

Cover Bombastic Magazine

To speak for the many voiceless

It just looks like all the other normal magazines which you can buy in every store. But ‘Bombastic’ isn’t a normal magazine. It’s the first LGBTI magazine in sub-Saharan Africa. Since last month, volunteers have been distributing the free magazine to the LGBTI community. At the same time, the radio station ‘Kuchu’ (translated Gay or Queen) went on air.
The magazine features homosexual and transgender people who talk about their experiences, wishes and life in Uganda. It is supposed to enlighten and to reduce prejudices. The aim of the people behind ‘Bombastic’ is to speak for the many voiceless Ugandan LGBTI and to share their stories. They receive financial aid from Ugandans homosexuals and also foreign sympathizers.

Against the stream for more tolerance

The organizers and supporters of ‘Bombastic’ know that the government and the church haven’t been waiting for a gay magazine. Neither public burnings of issues nor the threat of arrests are enough to prevent them to continue with the magazine.

Foto: Facebook/ Kuch Times Uganda

Homophobia is like part of the society in Uganda. Policy and society are not the only one who demonstrate their aversion for the LGBTI minority, the media are also openly hostile towards gay people. ‘Bombastic came about because we wanted to put right many of the falsehoods spread by the Ugandan media, which regularly publish against, humiliates and degrades homosexuals,’ said Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera, human rights activist.

‘I rest my case, rest in peace David Kato’

The magazine also remembers one of the most popular gay activists in Uganda – David Kato. He is regarded as the founder of the Ugandan LGBTI movement and was the speaker of the human rights organization ‘ Sexual Minorities Uganda’. His open intercourse with his own homosexuality and his relentless effort for more tolerance made Kato a target of hostilities and police arbitrariness.
Kato was critically injured with a hammer in his own house on January 26, in 2011. He died on the way to the hospital.

Last Week in Review

Missed the last TEDDY-news? No time to check our daily updates on our blog and social media? Don’t worry! Here’s everything you shouldn’t have missed.

Just eight more days, then it’s Berlinale time! Today, the big Berlinale press conference was held today, and the TEDDY team represented.

We are proud to announce two great new events. Ingrid Caven und Udo Kier will come together for a unique conversation as part of the Berlinale Talks. They will talk about their time with Rainer Werner Fassbinder. We are looking forward to a special evening with two exceptional artists. The talk will take place on February 12th from 8 to 9 pm at the Audi Berlinale Lounge on Marlene-Dietrich-Platz. The entry is free and everyone’s invited!

Ingrid Caven

Before Udo Kier meets Ingrid Caven, he will join another Berlinale Talk, this time with Deutschlandradio Kultur. On February 6th from 2 pm he will talk about his life work, his love for art and what the Special TEDDY AWARD means to him. The talk will be broadcasted on February 9th at 9 am by Deutschlandradio Kultur. Everyone who witnessed Udo Kier live before knows that he is a great entertainer and that the interview is a must-go for every film buff. Here’s a little taste of Udo (his one-man-show starts at minute six):

The program for the TEDDY AWARD ceremony is now complete! We are looking forward to the cycle artists Felix and Flow. The brothers perform tricks on their bike that others couldn’t even do on the ground. A unique and breathtaking act!

Felix and Flow

After the award ceremony, the party continues at the TEDDY AFTERSHOW LOUNGE. The newly founded l’ensemble transes continentales and the DJs Das blaue Wunder feat. Magnus und Norbert will create a great atmosphere. The latter are resident DJs of the Kreuzberg institutions Südblock and Möbel Olfe. L’ensemble transes continentales will play vibraphone, piano, saxophone and many more instruments and invites us to dream to their music.

L’ensemble transes continentales

On our blog, Audrey has written a piece about a new law in Russia, that forbids trans*persons to drive and we collected voices in memory of Suzy Capó, founder of the Felix Award. More information about the artists performing at the TEDDY AWARD Gala can be found here. All the events for the TEDDY 2015 can be found here. All the TEDDY films 2015 are now online as well!

Our website and blog will be constantly updated with news about the TEDDY 2015, the lazy ones can read the next Last Week in Review with all the important news.

See you next week!

David Kato 4th Memorial Anniversary

‘David Kato was a hero not just to LGBT Ugandans, but to all Ugandans and to all supporters of human rights worldwide.’*

DKVVA_large_(c) Katherine Fairfax Wright  Call Me Kuchu_sw

He was a teacher, human rights activist and founder of the LGBT commuinity in Uganda . As the speaker of the Ugandan LGBTI rights organization Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), David Kato campaigned tirelessly for human rights, and for the rights of LGBTI Africans in particular. He was was murdered in his home on 26 January 2011.

You will find a detailed article about the 4th anniversary of David Kato’s death on (english)

David Kato Award

Following David’s death , his colleagues from around the world came together to establish the David Kato Vision and Voice Award. Since 2014, the David Kato Award has been giving at the anual TEDDY ceremony. Winner of the last year’s award was  the Cambodian transgender activist Sotheavy Sou.

*Frank Mugisha, Executive Director of SMUG

Russia’s streets should become safer

In many parts of the world the people think, that especially the women are the worse car drivers. In Russia, they go one step further. In order to reduce the accident statistics, not everybody will be allowed to get a driver’s license in the land of Putin.


Mental disorders are listed and can lead to a driving ban. These include also transsexuals and transvestites. It’s new that the sexual orientation decides on the fitness to drive and that minorities are an danger to the traffic.
Besides this obvious discrimination there are more potential troublemakers on the traffic in Russia, according to the interdiction catalogue there are also pedophiles, kleptomaniacs and gambling addicts a danger on the roads. A sexual minority is lumped together with people having mental disorders and criminals.

But Putin even abides by an official list of the WHO. Disorders of adult and behaviour are listed in the ICD-10 under subsection F60 to F69 . Besides a number of mental disorders, transsexualism and transvestism are also listed. Although, the list will be edited in May it gives rise to some questions. Even homosexuality was listed for many years.