Following in the footsteps of last year’s Teddy Award, we are going to create a blog article for each day of the Berlinale in order to keep you up to date with our Teddy films, where they will be screened as well as screening dates and times.
Starting from today, we will give you a little insight into all the queer movies of the 70th Berlinale.
Since the articles’ main purpose will be to inform you of all the queer films in the festival, don’t forget to also keep an eye on our social media channels because we’ve got more events coming up soon! Enough with the talking now. Here’s the first film of today’s article:

English translation: One in a Thousand
Directed by: Clarisa Navas
Short description: Iris is 17 and takes each day as it comes. When she meets the cool Renata, her life changes abruptly. While her friends explore their sexuality, Iris finds herself faced with new emotions and noisy rumours.