Queer Academy Conference Programme


The event’s programme includes:

I. Panel discussions Re-imagining the Queer Archive and Queer Film Festivals in Practice.

II. The traditional Programmers/Queer Academy Meeting and the Queer Connection – Filmmakers meet Programmers and the Film Industry.

III. The Crypto Party Berlin Workshop on Encryption and Data Protection (Especially for festival makers from regions where queer life is threatened or persecuted, the event offers a parallel workshop on secure e-mail communication, encryption and data protection).


10.00 am Opening Wieland Speck, Berlin, Curator of the Panorama at the Berlinale

10.15 am  Key Note: Bob Hawk, Film and Festival Advisor

10.30 am  Key Note Jan-Christopher Horak, Los Angeles, Director of the UCLA Film &

10.45 am  Re-imagining the Queer Archive

12.15 pm  Lunch break

1.30 pm   In Conversation with Christine Vachon, New York, Film producer

2.15 pm      Queer Film Festivals in Practice – Programming and    Curating Strategies

  3.45 pm      Break

  4.00 pm      Programmers/Queer Academy Meeting + the Queer ConnectionTelevision Archive