TEDDY TODAY: 15.02.2022

Wow, time is flying by – tomorrow night the Berlinale’s Golden Bears are already being awarded! But before that, we have quite a number of fascinating TEDDY movies premiering for you today!

Scroll down to find out about all the films coming out today, and don’t forget to check out the re-runs as well – plenty of fascinating content! đŸ»


AK, MARK VE ÖLÜM (Love, Deutschmarks and Death)

Directed by: Cem Kaya
Germany, 2022

Film still AƟk, Mark ve ÖlĂŒm, © filmfaust, Film Five

Synopsis: The German Federal Republic’s 1961 recruitment agreement with Turkey not only brought “guest workers” to Germany but also their music. Cem Kaya’s dense documentary film essay is a tutorial in Turkish-German recent history that tells a tale of assembly line jobs, homesickness and family reunification, the bazaar in the elevated railway station at Berlin’s BĂŒlowstraße, xenophobia and racism, the wistful songs of the early years and the hip-hop of the post-reunification period. These are the stories shared by musicians beginning with Metin TĂŒrköz and YĂŒksel Özkasap, to the psychedelic Derdiyoklar and the chart-topping rapper Muhabbet. Their music has evolved a long way from that of German bands and has always developed out of the Turkish community and its desires. This is the world of Radio Yilmaz, various music cassette labels, protest rocker Cem Karaca’s German exile, and wedding bands that also sing in Kurdish and Arabic to meet the demands of the market. Extensive archival research and an interest in Turkish popular culture are recurring themes in Cem Kaya’s work. With Ak, Mark ve ÖlĂŒm, he has created a rhythmic and vividly narrated cinematic encyclopaedia of Turkish music in Germany. 


15.02. / 16:00 International

15.02. / 16:20 Cubix 2
[Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only]


Directed by: Nina Menkes
USA, 2022

CalArts Hosts Nina Menkes – Sex and Power

Synopsis: Since 2017, #MeToo and the no-longer-covered-up abuse of countless women by Harvey Weinstein have called many things into question in the film industry. This documentary analysis of the male gaze in cinema is based on Nina Menkes’ lecture “Sex and Power: The Visual Language of Oppression”. In it, Menkes uncovers patriarchal narrative structures that lie behind supposedly classic set-ups and camera angles. Making use of feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey’s theses on the objectification and sexualisation of the female body, she shows how aesthetic decisions such as camera movement or lighting influence the perception of women on screen, and how shot design functions as an instrument and a mirror of power relations. In doing so, she determines a connection between established film language and a culture of misogyny that leads to the abuse of women beyond the screen. Her individual analyses of scenes from 120 years of film history demystify many a cult film in the independent canon – because the film language that has been shaped by the patriarchy pervades more than just Hollywood cinema. 


15.02. / 12:30 Zoo Palast 1


Directed by: FlĂĄvia Neves
Brazil, France, 2022

Film still Fogaréu© Bananeira Filmes

Synopsis: Fernanda returns to her uncle’s ranch in Goiás in mid-western Brazil after an absence of many years, bringing the ashes of her deceased adoptive mother back home. Her appearance and her search for the truth about her roots shake the façade of her middle- class family. For her landowner uncle, a conservative mayor of the local municipality who is campaigning for re-election, Fernanda’s investigations and accusations are rapidly becoming a threat. But she remains unyielding in her bid for truth and justice.

In her surreal, fantastical debut, FlĂĄvia Neves masterfully interweaves the search for one’s own origins with Brazil’s colonial past. At the heart of this family drama is the confrontation with antiquated traditions, exploitative relationships and with those who profit from them. FogarĂ©u depicts an inspiring attempt to break out of hardened structures as well as the hope for a new beginning. 


15.02. / 14:00 Cubix 4
[Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only]

15.02. / 22:00 Zoo Palast 1


Directed by: Sharlene Bamboat
Canada, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, 2021

Film still If from Every Tongue It Drips, © Sharlene Bamboat

Synopsis: If from Every Tongue It Drips is a hybrid documentary film that uses the framework of quantum physics to explore the ways that personal relationships and political movements at once transcend and challenge time, space, identity, and location. The film follows the lives of a couple living in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka; Ponni writes Rekhti, a form of 19th-century, Urdu, queer poetry; the other, Sarala, is the camera operator. As their personal lives unfold on camera, the lines between rehearsal and reality, location and distance, self and other dissipate and reinforce one another. Simultaneously, through the poet and the camera operator’s daily lives, interconnections between British colonialism, Indian nationalism, and the impact of both on contemporary poetry, dance, and music in South Asia are revealed.


15.02. / 20:00 Kino Arsenal 1


Directed by: Clare Weiskopf & NicolĂĄs van Hemelryck
Colombia, Romania, Chile, 2022

Film still Alis, © Casatarantula, deFilm, Pantalla Cines

Synopsis: In a home in Columbia, ten young women take a seat, one after another, and close their eyes. They are asked to picture Alis, an imaginary friend, and to bring her story to life in a creative dialogue with the filmmakers. Like the interviewees, Alis used to live on the streets of BogotĂĄ. This imaginary companion is the seed for an extraordinary documentary format, serving as a reflective and delicate point of entry to the protagonists’ own stories. Alis becomes a surface for the projection of past traumas, or the travails of companions who fell by the wayside, and also for life visions and desires for the future. The imaginary friend is a blank slate for exploring individual ideas of freedom, as well as battles that have yet to be fought. 


15.02. / 17:30 HKW


Directed by: Rebana Liz John
Germany, India, 2021

Film stiill Ladies Only, © Milann Tress John

Synopsis: A small film crew ventures into the compartments of Mumbai’s local trains that are reserved for women. “What makes you angry?” is the simple question the filmmaker poses to the train’s female passengers. Acquaintances and women who are encountering each other by chance are invited to reveal their opinions and stories in a space that is public, yet protected. Their answers and observations are manifold: sometimes funny, sometimes depressing, sometimes combative, sometimes resigned, but always honest, they come together to form an increasingly complex tapestry.


15.02. / 18:45 International


Directed by: Ashley McKenzie
Canada, 2022

Film still Queens of the Qing Dynasty © Hi-Vis FilmFilm

Synopsis: Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship, altering their inner chemistry.


15.02. / 18:00 CinemaxX 7

15.02. / 18:35 Cubix 2
[Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only]


Le variabili dipendenti (The Dependent Variables)
15.02. / 12:30 Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

Aos dezasseis (At Sixteen)
15.02. / 20:30 Cubix 8

Blaues Rauschen (Blue Noise)
15.02. / 20:30 Cubix 8

Jail Bird in a Peacock Chair
15.02. / 11:00 Kino Arsenal 1

Sab changa si (All Was Good)
15.02. / 14:00 Werkstattkino@silent green

Terminal norte (North Terminal)
15.02. / 20:30 Cubix 7

West by God
15.02. / 20:30 Cubix 8

White Sands Crystal Foxes
15.02. / 19:00 Zeiss-Großplanetarium

TEDDY TODAY: 11.02.2022

Every year we count the days until the next Berlinale and each year it’s worth the wait! To mark the second festival day, we’ve listed below today’s most fabulous film premieres that you definitely don’t want to miss.

For all the other screenings available today, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and enjoy them enough for us as well!



Directed by: Zheng Lu Xinyuan
Switzerland, Austria, 2022

Film still Jet Lag, © ZHENGLUXinyuan

Synopsis: One journey begins in Graz, in April 2020, the director’s trip back to China in the midst of the lockdown: flight connections on a cracked phone screen, hazmat suits on the aeroplane, tape sealing the hotel room door. But it also intermingles with another earlier journey: the family trip from China to Myanmar to find out what happened to great-grandfather, who left in the 1940s and never came back. The director films both trips and everything around them too, that’s why it’s so hard to keep things apart, always the same fascination for patterns and textures, the same grainy video in black and white, the same eye for unlikely beauty, the same unflinching gaze.


11.02. / 13:30 Kino Arsenal 1

11.02. / 16:10 Cubix 4 (Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only)


Directed by: Magnus Gertten
Sweden, Belgium, Norway, 2022

Film still Nelly & Nadine © Auto Images

Synopsis: The voice of opera singer Nelly resonates in the middle of RavensbrĂŒck concentration camp. Nelly and Nadine met for the first time at Christmas in 1944. They found each other again after liberation and were to stay together for the rest of their lives. Today, Nelly’s granddaughter Sylvie is about to be confronted with her grandmother’s legacy, locked in a box. The photographs, Super 8 footage and audio recordings as well as the poetic and harrowing diary entries that she comes across describe not only her grandmother’s memories of the camp, but also tell the story of her life with Nadine – a relationship that was never referred to as such by the family.


11.02. / 16:00 International

11.02. / 16:50 Cubix 2 (Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only)

BASHTAALAK SA’AT (Shall I Compare You to a Summer’s Day?)

Directed by: Mohammad Shawky Hassan
Egypt, Lebanon, Germany, 2022

Film still Bashtaalak sa’at | Shall I Compare You to a Summer’s Day? © Alfam Wardeshan / Amerikafilm

Synopsis: A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s titular sonnet 18 also suggests. In Mohammad Shawky Hassan’s metafictional essay, a female narrator who wishes to tell the story of a love between two men encounters a polyamorous chorus of lovers, and this oft-told tale is multiplied. In Club Scheherazade, there is no protagonist, and every song has various versions. Heteronormative dramaturgy is challenged polyphonically and across a range of media: lovers ask each other about threesomes, Grindr contacts and past dates. Pop clichĂ©s are twisted, heartache permeates the men’s singing, and poems by Wadih Saadeh are read out while a lover’s dirty laundry is aired. The narrator mischievously tries for a happy ending as her characters exit the story. “If pain could be forgotten through words,” we hear at one point, “no lover would ever have to walk away wounded.” 


11.02. / 20:00 Kino Arsenal 1

BERDREYMI (Beautiful Beings)

Directed by: GuĂ°mundur Arnar GuĂ°mundsson
Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, 2022

Film still © Sturla Brandth GrÞvlen / Join Motion Pictures

Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Balli is something of a misfit. He lives with his drug-addicted mother in a squalid house and is bullied by his classmates. A stepfather who “thought the gun wasn’t loaded” has left him with a glass eye. But then Balli meets three boys of his own age – Addi, Konni and Siggi – and a friendship gently develops. For the first time in his life, Balli finds that he is able to connect, especially with Addi, whose mother believes in “the subconscious”. Addi is fighting his own demons and, when his visions appear to indicate that Balli’s brutal stepfather can no longer be tolerated, the boys decide to act.


11.02. / 15:30 Zoo Palast 1

11.02. / 16:10 Cubix 1 [Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only]


Peter von Kant
11.02. / 11:00 CinemaxX 9

Viens je t’emmùne (Nobody’s Hero)
11.02. / 11:45 Cubix 2 (Screening for industry professionals | With accreditation only)
11.02. / 13:30 International