Tag Archives: Berlinale

TEDDY Readers’ Award powered by Mannschaft Magazin

As proud media partner of the Teddy Award, Mannschaft will award the “TEDDY Readers’ Award” 2018. These five film freaks will decide.

For over 30 years, the “Teddy Award” has honored queer films within the framework of the Berlinale. In 2018, Mannschaft Magazin will participate for the first time as media partner and present the “Teddy Readers’ Award”. Until the 15th of December, queer film fans could apply to be members of the jury. Mannschaft received a large pile of dossiers, which did not make the selection easy! Finally, they opted for a composition that unifies different aspects of filmmaking and queer interests, as diverse as possible. The Teddy will be awarded on February 23rd at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. The 68th Berlin International Film Festival will take place from February 15 – 25, 2018 – teddyaward.tv

Martin Busse, 30

Born in Berlin, Busse is a music editor for Mannschaft, but also passionately interested in queer filmmaking. As a child, he wanted to be a director; today Martin owns no less than 600 DVDs, from Arthaus to Trash. As jury president and official representative of Mannschaft, Martin will lead the jury.

Katayun Pirdawari, 54

Katayun can be found at the Berlinale almost every year and brings along a lot of experience: she has already participated in the readers’ jury for Siegessäule and Männer Magazin. For almost thirty years, the 54-year-old with Persian background has stood up for LGBT rights and for lesbian Iranian women, including four years as a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Association LSVD. Because of the AfD, Trump, Erdogan and Putin, Katayun is particularly curious about this year’s Berlinale films.

Holger Beisitzer, 42

Holger is a regular moviegoer and once shot a “very short short film” for a competition, as he says. As a gay dad, the artist and interior designer contributes the perspective of a rainbow family.

Christine Burkart, 35

Christine is a freelance video journalist, photographer and museum pedagogue and has long been passionate about queer topics. She describes herself as openly bisexual, even if labels almost always seem too one-dimensional to her. During her studies, she dealt with art history, gender theory and film studies issues – knowledge she will gladly draw on as a juror.

Adriell Kopp, 30

For Adriell, the presence of queer film characters as well as the filming of their destinies is an essential part of finding the identity of the LGBT community. A big fan of queer cinema and a student of media studies, the 30-year-old has a well-trained eye for media aesthetics, queer art and identity politics.

Translation by Naomi Scherer

Day 10: Destroy what destroys you

What a beautiful night my friends! What a spectacular Award Ceremony! Conchita Wurst was there, Udo Kier and even Andrea Nahles (even if she doesn´t really fit into this list). The TEDDY trophies were given away and we all danced till our toes were bleeding.

So maybe we should do something calm today… how about going to the movies?

Continue reading Day 10: Destroy what destroys you

Day 8: Anticipation and Diversity Talks

Hello, dear film lovers! I hope you had a great time on the Berlinale so far; met interesting people, watched inspiring movies and drank a lot of coffee. The preparations for tomorrows Award Ceremony are in full swing and we are full of anticipation.

Today we will have our great Diversity Talks again, which you shouldn´t miss! Today at 11am we will have a talk with filmmakers Neil Triffet and Lia Hietala about the subject “Queer for the Kids”, whose movies “EMO The Musical” and “Mon Homosytser” are on this years queer list. At 2pm we´re going to have a discussion about “Queer Historiography” with filmmakers Andrea Weiss (“Bones of Contention”) and Jochen Hick (“Mein wunderbares West-Berlin”).

Where? At BRLO Brwhouse at U-Bhf-Gleisdreieck, Schöneberger Straße 16. Guys, it´s going to be very interesting, come around! Below you´ll find the queer programme for today. Continue reading Day 8: Anticipation and Diversity Talks

Day 6: “we´re all weirdos, that´s what makes us beautiful!”

Halftime, my friends! The first half of the festival is over, now hurry! You didn´t watch enough movies? Go for it, because there are only 5 days left!

“We´re all weirdos, that´s what makes us beautiful” is a quote from the film “Weirdos” from Bruce McDonald which you can watch over the next three days at the Berlinale. ´Cause Bruce McDonald himself is a weirdo of the best sort. Weirdos are something beautiful, this is what we found out at the Interview yesterday and which you can be convinced yourself by his new film. McDonald started his career with 8mm Zombies films, that he shot during high school. Over the years he made himself a name in the independent film scene far beyond the borders of Canada. His films are often about people on a road trip, where self-discovery and Rock´n Roll are the ingredients his films are made of. And of course, there are people who are weird sometimes but always lovable. Like in “Weirdos”: two 15-year old teenagers run away to hitchhike through the countryside. Kit wants to go to his mother and live with her, because he is hoping for a better life. Why everything turns out completely different and which role Andy Warhol plays in that film you have to find out yourself! It´s worth it! Have fun!

Continue reading Day 6: “we´re all weirdos, that´s what makes us beautiful!”

Day 4: short films and girls in love

Two short films today are dealing with upcoming feelings of young girls for other young girls, which are leading to big confusions…

In the swedish short “Min Homosyster”,Cleo is spending warm sunny days with her sister and her “cool” girlfriend Gabbi. She is thinking about who she is on love with and why she´s always so nervous when her friend Sadira calls.

“La prima sueca” tells the story of Cata, who is waiting for her 15th birthday to come. Her cousin Klara, who is visiting, seems to be quite strange to her. Why doesn´t she like to wear skirts and what´s with that sort hair cut? The initialy mistrust seems to fade and maybe Cata doesn´t think of Klara that bad after all.

These two short films who are running in the section “Generation” gently observe the coming of age of young women and the accompanying irritations they have to deal with. Where and when, you´ll find below yeat again ;) Continue reading Day 4: short films and girls in love