31st TEDDY AWARD, ticket presale has begun

At the 17th of February 2017 we are going to celebrate the 31st TEDDY AWARD and the preparations are in full swing! The venue for the award ceremony and the TEDDY PARTY with live concerts and DJ-Lounge will be at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele in Schaperstraße 24, 10719 Berlin.

The artist duo cabine is responsible again for the artwork of the 31st TEDDY AWARD.

Tickets for the 31st TEDDY AWARD Ceremony and the big Backstage Party are available from now on in the Online Shop. Ticket reservation is possible via e-mail at tickets@papagena.de or on the telephone via the Ticket Hotline 030 – 4799 7447. Without booking fee the tickets are available at Prinz Eisenherz Bookshop, Motzstraße 23, 10777 Berlin.

For the special support of the Teddy e.V., we offer a limited amount of Premium Tickets. With the purchase of a Premium Ticket, you will be guest of honour in the best seating category. Furthermore, you will be invited to an exclusive pre-reception between 6.30 and 8.00 pm on the evening of the ceremony. Here you can purchase your Premium Ticket.

The award ceremony starts directly after the opening at 9pm. After the ceremony we are going to celebrate  the TEDDY Backstage PARTY  with live concerts and DJ-Lounge until dawn.

09.02.- 19.02.2017 67. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin

FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017
21:00 TEDDY AWARD Ceremony, in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele
23:00 TEDDY 31 Backstage PARTY with live concerts and DJ-Lounge

Premium Ticket cat. A incl. reception: 138,- EUR
Seat category A: 69,- EUR
Seat category B: 48,- EUR
Seat category C: 32,- EUR

Screening Lounge: 25,- EUR
Party: 15,- EUR

(All tickets include the entrance to the parties and concerts on the 17th of February in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele.)

TICKET HOTLINE & INFO Tel.: +49-(0)30-4799 7474

The TEDDY AWARD is a non-profit event. The TEDDY AWARD finances itself only by contributions of sustaining members and patrons of the Teddy e.V., by donation of supporters, the contribution of many voluntary helpers as well as sponsors and the earnings of the award ceremony.

Berlinale Spotlight: Short Film Presentations in Asia

Berlinale Spotlight: Short Film Presentations in Asia

At the Hanoi International Film Festival (HANIFF, November 1–5, 2016) Maike Mia Höhne, the curator of Berlinale Shorts, will present a Berlinale Spotlight with two programmes from the Berlinale Shorts section. Afterwards both of these programmes will be screened in Kuala Lumpur.

In India a Berlinale Spotlight will show short films from the following sections: Berlinale Shorts, Generation, Forum Expanded and Panorama (specifically its Teddy Twenty Tribute programme).

Alongside the winner of the Golden Bear for Best Short Film 2016, Balada de um Batráquio by Leonor Teles, and the winner of the Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film) 2016, A Man Returned by Mahdi Fleifel, the Berlinale Spotlight will present the winner of the Audi Short Film Award 2016, Jin zhi xia mao by Chiang Wei Liang.

Berlinale Spotlight-Programme
1.-4. November 2016: Hanoi International Film Festival (HANIFF), Vietnam

26.-27. November 2016: KLEX Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video & Music Festival, Malaysia

Programm I
Hopptornet (Zehn-Meter-Turm), director: Axel Danielson & Maximilien Van Aertryck (Schweden)
Another City, director: Pham Ngoc Lan (Vietnam)
Moms On Fire, Regie: Joanna Rytel (Schweden) – Teddy Award 2016
In the Soldier’s Head, director: Christine Rebet (USA / Frankreich)
A Man Returned, director: Mahdi Fleifel (Großbritannien / Niederlande / Dänemark) – Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film) 2016

Programm II
Jin zhi xia mao (Ankern verboten), director: Chiang Wei Liang (Taiwan) – Audi Short Film Award 2016
Balada de um Batráquio (Ballade der Batrachia), Regie: Leonor Teles (Portugal) – Golden Bear Best Short Film 2016
Reluctantly Queer, director: Akosua Adoma Owusu (Ghana / USA)
personne, director: Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller (Deutschland)
LOVE, director: Réka Bucsi (Frankreich / Ungarn)

  1. November 2016: Kalpanirjhar International Short Fiction Film Festival, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata, Indien

Programm I: FICTION
Jin zhi xia mao (Ankern verboten), Regie: Chiang Wei Liang (Taiwan) – Audi Short Film Award 2016
Crystal Lake, director: Jennifer Reeder (USA) – Generation 2016
Notre Héritage (Unser Vermächtnis), director: Jonathan Vinel in Zusammenarbeit mit Caroline Poggi (Frankreich)
Another City, director: Pham Ngoc Lan (Vietnam)
Balada de um Batráquio (Ballade der Batrachia), director: Leonor Teles (Portugal) – Golden Bear Best Short Film 2016

Vita Lakamaya, director: Akihito Izuhara (Japan)
LOVE, director: Réka Bucsi (Frankreich / Ungarn)
Moms On Fire, Regie: Joanna Rytel (Schweden) – Teddy Award 2016
In the Soldier’s Head, director: Christine Rebet (USA / Frankreich)
Estate (Sommer), director: Ronny Trocker (Frankreich / Belgien)

24.-27. November 2016: DIALOGUES: Calcutta International LGBT Film & Video Festival, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata, Indien

Programm: QUEER
The Intervention, director: Jay Duplass (USA) – Teddy Twenty Tribute 2006
Reluctantly Queer, director: Akosua Adoma Owusu (Ghana / USA)
O Pássaro da Noite, director: Marie Losier (Portugal / Frankreich) – Forum Expanded 2016
O noapte in Tokoriki, director: Roxana Stroe (Rumänien) – Generation 2016
A Boy Needs a Friend, director: Steve Reinke (Kanada / USA) – Forum Expanded 2016
Con qué la lavaré?, director: María Trénor (Spanien) – Teddy Twenty Tribute 2006

3.-5. Dezember 2016: TENT Little Cinema International Festival, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata, Indien

Vintage Print, director: Siegfried A. Fruhauf (Österreich)
personne, director: Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller (Deutschland)
The Lamps, director: Shelly Silver (USA) – Forum Expanded 2016
Balada de um Batráquio (Ballade der Batrachia), Regie: Leonor Teles (Portugal) – Golden Bear for Best Short Film 2016
Kama Tohalleq al Teyour (As Birds Flying), Regie: Heba Y. Amin (Ägypten) – Forum Expanded 2016
The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun, Regie: Anton Vidokle (Kasachstan / USA) – Forum Expanded 2016

Download als .pdf: http://bit.ly/2fmihbZ

31 TEDDY AWARD film entry

Submit your film to 31th TEDDY AWARD and 67th Berlinale.

Deadline for receipt of entry forms and films:
Feature-length films: October 31, 2016
Short films: November 15, 2016

In order to submit a film to the Berlinale you have to send the film and the completed film entry form to the festival before the given deadline.

In any case, we ask you to carefully read the Festival’sGeneral Guidelines for Submission and Participationas well as the “How to Berlinale” short guide to film submission.

The additional special requirements of the individual sections – regarding premiere status, running time, subtitling etc. – can be found on the corresponding webpages of the Competition, Berlinale Shorts,Panorama, Forum, Generation and Perspektive Deutsches Kino sections.

QueerScope Debut Film Award

QueerScope, a co-operation of 13 German queer film festivals, will present the first QueerScope Debut Film Award to the Swedish-American documentary “Kiki” on October 14th, to honour the achievements of director Sara Jordenö in her feature-length debut. Eligible were more than 70 queer directorial feature-length debuts of 2015 and 2016 from around the globe. The award ceremony will take place before the film screening at the 6th Filmfest homochrom in Cologne.
Download the press releae
Please find more information at queerscope.de

Interview with Sadaat Munir. AKS Art, Film & Dialogue Festival in Dänemark & Pakistan

We did anInterview with Sadaat Munir, Director of the AKS Art, Film & Dialogue Festival in Denmark & Pakistan.

One of TEDDY’s priorities is to promote queer art festivals all over the world. Therefore it is our pleasure and privilege to introduce you to the AKS Film, Art & Dialogue Festival, a cooperation between Denmark and Pakistan.

Do not let these three capital letters confuse you! Meaning «reflection» or «shadow» in Hindi, AKS symbolizes the urge to promote the visibility and empowerment of queer and transgender minorities. Born out of a cooperation between LGBT communities in Denmark and Pakistan, AKS film festival first opened its doors in December 2014 in two Pakistani cities – Lahore and Islamabad.

The situation for the queer people in Pakistan is disturbing; many of them remain invisible and undercover. This is why it is so important for the community to be able to express itself, to connect to people, to create a bridge between queer and heterosexual people. However, AKS does not pursue the idea to create a western like queer movement in Pakistan. Instead, it wants to attract knowledge and build on what already exists in the community as well as to promote a global approach to gender and sexuality all over the world.

The festival takes place in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad (Pakistan) from April 2nd to 20th, 2016. More information about the festival you can find on its homepage www.aksfestival.com