Woohoo! Do you know what special day today is? Well of course you do, it’s Teddy day! This is going to be a history-making event, because the 33rdTeddy award is going to blast you off the roofs! Artists, movies, performances, everything and more during the award ceremony starting at 21.00 at the Volksbühne. You know you’re excited! And it doesn’t end there, the after-show party, of which you’ve surely heard of, is going to start at 23.30 right after the ceremony ends. Hopefully you’ve got your tickets and already know what to wear, we’re so excited to see you there. But in the meantime, we’ve got one new movie we want you to see and several rescreens you could binge on.
Les Nuits Fauves
12:15 CinemaxX 8

Jean loves Laura; he is also in a relationship with Samy, and HIV-positive. The three exhaust themselves on a rollercoaster ride of feverish emotions, electrified by longing and a raging lust for life, walking the line between passion and destruction.
Bulbul Can Sing – 10:00 Zoo Palast 2
Four Quartets – 11:00 CinemaxX 1
Heute oder Morgen – 12:00 Colosseum 1
Entropia – 13:00 Zoo Palast 2, Colosseum 1
La Fiera y la Fiesta – 14:00 Cubix 9
Lemebel – 14:30 CineStar 7
Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit – 14:30 Colosseum 1
Lidérc Úr – 16:00 CinemaxX 5
Demons – 16:30 CineStar 8
Serpentário – 21:30 Delphi Filmpalast
Ne Croyez Surtout Pas Que Je Hurle – 22:00 Kino Arsenal 1
Normal – 22:30 CineStar 7