The last day of the Berlinale is already here, and it brings a series of great reruns of this year’s inspiring TEDDY AWARD films. Enjoy watching them!
Ato Noturno (Night Stage)
23.02./18:15, Cubix 7
Batim (Houses)
23.02./13:00, Arsenal 1
Blue Moon
23.02./10:00, Berlinale Palast
Casi septiembre (Close to September)
23.02./19:00, Cubix 9
23.02./19 :15, Colosseum 1
Come la notte (Where the Night Stands Still)
23.02./15 :00, Colosseum 1
Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe (Tenderness of the Wolves)
23.02./13:00, Cubix 5
Drømmer (Dreams (Sex Love)
23.02./12:30, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Duas Vezes João Liberada (Two Times João Liberada)
23.02./14:00, Cubix 9
23.02./16 :00, Zoo Palast 2
Janine zieht aufs Land (Janine Moves to the Country)
23.02./16 :00, Arsenal 1
Julian and the Wind
23.02./15:45, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain
23.02./19:00, Cubix 9
Lesbian Space Princess
23.02./10:00, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Lloyd Wong, Unfinished
23.02./19:00, Cubix 9
Looking for Langston
23.02./13:15, Stage Blumax Theater
23.02./11:00, Stage Blumax Theater
Monk in Pieces
23.02./21:00, Cubix 7
O último azul (The Blue Trail)
23.02./21:45, Uber Eats Music Hall
Once Again… (Statues Never Die)
23.02./13:15, Stage Blumax Theater
Queer as Punk
23.02./12:00, Cinema Betonhalle@Silent Green
23.02./22:15, Zoo Palast 2
23.02./12:00, Cinema Betonhalle@Silent Green
Silent Sparks
23.02./17:15, Colosseum 1
Sirens Call
23.02./10:00, Arsenal 1
Sous ma fenêtre, la boue (The Mud Under My Window)
23.02./15:45, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain
23.02./19:00, Cubix 9
The Trio Hall
23.02./14:30, Delphi Filmpalast
Vestida de azul (Dressed in Blue)
23.02./19:00, ADK am Hanseatenweg
Wish You Were Ear
23.02./16:00, Zoo Palast 2