32nd TEDDY AWARD is on the way

The 32nd TEDDY AWARD takes place within the scope of the 68th Berlin International Film Festival, Feb.15 – Feb.23, 2018 and is awarded in the categories Best Feature Film, Best Documentary / Essay Film, Best Short Film, TEDDY Jury Award and as Special TEDDY AWARD.

The festive TEDDY AWARD Ceremony will take place Feb.23, 2018, at 20:30pm at Haus der Berliner Festspiele.



As soon as the selection of films is finished you will find here all information about the films in the race for the TEDDY AWARDS. The film programme will be published on this page on the afternoon of February 6, 2018.


This years TEDDY AWARD artwork was created by the designers collective cabine.

TEDDY AWARD Artwork 2017_by cabine.co.uk
TEDDY AWARD Artwork 2017_by cabine.co.uk


The Many Facettes Of Queer Cinema

Queer is an umbrella sheltering non-hetero people

by Wieland Speck

The Many Facettes Of Queer Cinema 1157z/211w
Queer is an umbrella sheltering non-hetero people

Curating Queer Cinema since the late 70s – and before the term queer was used the way it is now: as a representation of a worldwide population of some 20 percent – I have come to the conclusion that the LGBTIQ* world, in many parts, has emancipated itself from the corner it was kept hostage by the hetero norm. Excluded from society and family alike, queer people have fought their way back into the community.

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Wieland Speck Takes on New Responsibilities

Berlinale: Wieland Speck Takes on New Responsibilities and Hands Over His Position as Head of Panorama after 25 Years

Wieland Speck, until now head of the Berlinale’s Panorama section, will in the future be contributing his extensive range of expertise on film to the Berlinale as Consultant of the Official Programme. Starting in 1982, Wieland Speck joined forces with Manfred Salzgeber to build up Panorama (an autonomous section as of 1980, known as “Info-Schau” until 1985) and made its programme one of the most prestigious in arthouse film.

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TEDDY AWARD goes Paris

In 2017 TEDDY goes Paris again. At Luminor Hotel de Ville in Paris we´ll show some films out of this years TEDDY program. The films will be presented by Wieland Speck, Curator Berlinale Panorama and Michael Stütz, Berlinale Panorama, coordinator TEDDY AWARD. Screening tickets you can purchase  online and the location of the cinema you´ll find here.  All details also on the facebook event page.
Enjoy Paris.

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